Monday, April 16, 2007

My lovely daughter

Well, I finally figured out how to reclaim this blog and I thought I'd test it out by sharing a recent picture of my beautiful daughter. Here she is! Just this past weekend, her Grandad asked her how old she was. She held up her hand, palm out and replied, "I'm five. I'm a handful!"


Unknown said...

thanx for your comment...I took that pic with a standard 35 mm-f-stop at at like 400..blah blah blah....I took about 15 shots...2 of them were good..I looked up a way to do it with a digital camera..I sat my camera on that rail (no tripod)
For some info on how to ..go to

Helibear said...

I have a cousin who's five. I might see if I can teach him to say that. You have beautiful children :-)